Alright Jumper. Seems like more people are watching this blog rather than Facebook group. Alright, I'm just gonna drop my messages here.We will have our AGM and election for this year on 25th February 2009 at Level 1 (Venue not confirmed yet). The election will be a little special but like it or not -- I am doing it my way (you will know later) mainly because well...after all I'm awesome.
+3 MEMBERS. Female some more.
Foundation some more. Screw ADP.
BAD NEWS:I am under tons of stress lately because people are telling me different things about the clubs and before you can say anything -- WE ARE BROKE! We will not be getting any budgets. That's for sure.
One more thing is that after everyone (including DSA) telling me that Cincai (you know who) is our advisor -- I truly believe he's one current advisor. Apparently he is not -- so that's a bummer.
OUR CLUB HAS NO FREAKING ADVISOR!!! So Cincai told us to look for:
to be our advisor. I am not interested to approach any of them to ask them to be our advisor (although I would love to see Zan to be our advisor) not because I am selfish (although I am pretty tied up lately) but I don't see that as part of our responsibility.
Now, I am the hate figure around mainly because I debated a couple of words on our problems that I think HELP should have fixed for us. After all, who hired JL the fat belly?
I know some of you think I am not doing anything at all or simply not helping the club -- but come for the meeting please because I will give you all a full disclosure.
WANNA BE A COMMITEE?Things you will NOT be bringing:
- Resume/CV/Testimonials
- Girlfriends/boyfriends
- Frisbee disc
Hey Desmond...what if I have another meeting?
Fuck you. I am so sick of hearing you telling me that you cannot do this do that. I have been very cooperative and my patience has its limit. If you think Ultimate Frisbee meeting is not worth attending
-- you might as well screw yourself and stop playing.
PLEASE PASS THIS messages to everyone you know.
P.S. I am being controversial here -- and I am not afraid to do so. So screw me back on 25th February please.
p.s.s. I'm not drunk or high.
p.s.s. if you have any prob, just hit me up on msn at knightblade_90 (at) hotmail (dot) com
. thanks for reading this hamsap post. Ciao