Tuesday, March 3, 2009

11th March 2009 (Recruitment Drive)

Hi guys,

Some big announcements to make. On 11th of March, as most of you are aware, there will be a recruitment drive for us in Lower Foyer, main block.

The drive starts at 10 till 3. Me, Han Ming and Kok is supposed to take care of the booth at 10-12. However, and unfortunately, me and Kok will be having mid-term -- which is BAD. really bad. So, I don't want us to be there and screw up our CGPA for something with HELP's name on it.

Call me selfish...yeah whatever.

Okay, so there's han ming only and i dun expect him to do everything by himself. Please volunteer and spread the word around so we can at least set up the booth.

I will try to find someone who can set up the booth. I have yet to talk to Jeremy and a couple of people yet. So probably I will fix this up ASAP. BTW, anyone got the three new girls' numbers?

The Materials
Okay, I am going to call Felix to print out about 8 photographs of HUO and etc. That's what we will be using. I hope someone can bring laptop as well with some videos taken from YouTube which I hope Mike can do it.

Current Board Before Election:

President - Desmond
VP - Kok
Secretary - Su Anne
Treasurer - Han Ming
Technical Director - Eka

Candidates for the new board w/o new members yet: (I bear all consequences lar. This is my own list lar)

President - Mike/Louis/~Kok~
VP - Kok/ Eka/ Louis
Secretary - (1 of the 3 new foundation girls)
Treasurer - Eka/ other new members
Tech Director - Not sure yet.

This is a list of people who will/might stay at HELP for another sem.

People who will be leaving HELP very soon = Felix, Desmond, Han Ming, Su Anne, Mun You (correct me if Im wrong with this list)

I have to compile this list otherwise no one would want to step up to carry this club.


Just recruit members and disband the bloody club.
The pros:
  • No need to suck HELP's ass
  • No management
  • No worries
The cons:
  • No money.
  • No support.
  • Bad reputation.
Tell me what you think please. Spread this blog post's link around please.

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